Louisiana Privacy Legislation

Marksville, LA, May 16, 2022
—AAF Louisiana Leaders, As you may know, privacy legislation has been introduced in the Louisiana legislature. The sponsor has called for amendments and may push for action as soon as next week. A preliminary draft of comments that will be filed by AAF and some of our allied associations is attached. I hope that your local ad club will sign on also as the message is more effective if lawmakers know that it is coming from the local, as well as national industry.
In short, our message is that AAF is in favor of a national privacy standard and does not support state legislation. However, if Louisiana is to pass a bill, it should be as similar as possible to measures already enacted in other states to minimize confusion for both businesses and consumers. The comments then offer suggestions as to how to achieve that goal.
Unfortunately, as often happens, we have very short notice and hope to file the comments on Monday. If you would like for your ad club to sign on, please send me your club logo by noon on Monday. Once filed, we will of course make sure you get a copy of the final version to use with members and prospects.
I apologize for the short notice. Do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. Thank you for all you do for AAF and the advertising industry.

Attachments: Letter in Opposition to HB 987

 Clark Rector

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