AAF Legislative Comments & Testimony

This tax will lead to higher costs for consumers. For local small businesses, these taxes will force a challenging chose – either significantly raising consumer prices, reducing services, laying off staff, or worse.
We provide comments on five discrete areas the CPPA should consider as it develops draft rules.
We regretfully find ourselves needing to go on record in strong opposition to the discussion draft of the American Privacy Rights Act.
HB 7787 contains unclear and confusing provisions and requirements that are significantly out-of-step with other state privacy laws that have been enacted to date.
As presently drafted, NYHIPA would have far-reaching, unintended, and unfavorable consequences for New York consumers and the business community alike.
We offer this letter to express our non-exhaustive list of concerns about this legislation.
H. 121 stands in stark contrast to the approach taken by 19 other states that have already enacted privacy legislation. The bill’s limitations on data collection are likely to result in significant degradation of beneficial products and services.
Private enforcement would not help to protect the privacy of Vermont citizens, but instead would disproportionately benefit plaintiff’s attorneys at the expense of consumers.
H. 121 continues to diverge from the majority of state privacy laws in certain areas that would burden businesses without providing meaningful privacy protections or benefits to Vermont consumers.
If enacted, a tax on digital advertising would affect nearly every single small business and “mom and pop” shop that operates in California.