Nomination Criteria

The nominee must meet all the following criteria to be eligible:

  • Be a member in good standing of a local club or federation affiliated with the AAF
  • Serve as a current local American Advertising Awards Chair or local committee member
  • Demonstrate extraordinary service and a high degree of dedication to the success of the overall award program and the club (Examples include, but are not limited to an increase in entries, exceeding budget expectations, exceptional awards gala, superior promotional efforts)
  • Current members, chairs or past chairs of the National American Advertising Awards Committee are NOT eligible.


Required Information & Documentation

Nominations must include the following:

  • Name and address of nominee
  • Name of club nominee represents
  • Current title of club leadership
  • A summary of the significant contributions the nominee has made to the success of the American Advertising Awards

Nominations should be typed, double spaced and three pages or fewer. Any letter of endorsement or support must be included as a part of the three pages. All AAF members in good standing are eligible to place nominations. All eligible nominees must be an AAF member in good standing.

Nomination Deadline: April 4, 2025

Nominate Today