Nomination Criteria

Nominees for the Betty Riehl Excellence in Service Award should exhibit similar qualities of devotion to duty and member service as were reflected in the career of Betty Riehl. Nominees should also have demonstrated exceptional leadership or participation in one or more of the AAF's national or district activities.

The nominee must be a paid employee of an AAF's Chapter, District, or the AAF's National Office. The nominee’s distinguished service to her or his organization should be over a considerable period of time and reflect contributions above and beyond the call of duty. The nominee may be retired from the position at time of nomination.

All nominations are presented to the Excellence in Service Committee for selection by secret ballot. Choosing a recipient is at the discretion of the committee. The award is presented at ADMERICA, the AAF’s annual national conference.

All AAF members in good standing are eligible to place nominations. All eligible nominees must be an AAF member in good standing.

Required Information & Documentation

Nominations may be made by any AAF member, including advertisers, advertising agencies, media companies, advertising clubs/federations, college chapters and affiliated associations.

Nominations must include the following:
  • Name and address of nominee, current title and business affiliation
  • A summary of significant contributions the nominee made to the advancement of the goals of her or his organization and to the AAF
  • A brief summary of the nominee’s business career
  • Years of employment
  • Other information or recognition relative to “Excellence in Service” 
  • Name, address and phone number of person submitting the nomination

Nominations should be typed, double spaced and three pages or fewer. Any letter of endorsement or support must be included as a part of the three pages.

Nomination Deadline: April 4, 2025