Insights from Steve Pacheco

We have an amazing group of volunteers in place who have each stepped up and committed to a year of growing and developing the AAF in some exciting new and different ways.
A new iPhone was never on my “Back to School” supplies list. But that was a vastly different time. No one is going Back to School in 2024 without a cell phone, it’s the first thing Students grab and the last thing they’d want to leave behind.
The AAF’s grass roots network is a powerful lesson in effective Leadership that doesn’t get talked about nearly enough. How else do you efficiently lead a national organization with 35,000 members across the US without a strong volunteer leadership?
Since Day One of our charter—1905—the American Advertising Federation has been built on the deep understanding that it takes all types of People from all types of backgrounds and ethnicities to come together to make the best Advertising.
AAF Advertising Education programs are World Class. Our National Student Advertising Competition (NSAC)—now in its 50th year—has one of the Worlds Most recognized brands as the exclusive client partner for 2024—P&G’s Tide.